Under investigation by IRD? We can help you

A tax investigation by Inland Revenue can lead to substantial costs and increased tax risk; if you are not prepared.

Tax Debt Management can help you handle the investigation, anticipating where any problems may arise and the best way to deal with them. You may be prepared to concede on some tax issues, but others you may not. We can help you negotiate a way through with IRD.

Unsure of what to expect or how to respond?

The IRD can turn up at your business at any time without a warrant and, if they have a warrant they can even search your home; however it’s likely that they will notify you of an investigation beforehand.

As you know, Inland Revenue is not to be trifled with and it’s important that you comply fully with all their requests to avoid serious penalties or even criminal conviction. Tax Debt Management can advise you of which information you need to supply and which unnecessary, private material it’s OK to withhold.

If the IRD turns up unexpectedly then the investigators will want access to your computers so they can copy your hard drives. Tax Debt Management knows how to handle this so that they get access to the data they need but any of your private information remains protected.

We’ll help you to satisfy the IRD ASAP

IRD tax investigations can often drag out for quite some time and become costly to you in staff time and the application of other resources. Tax Debt Management will manage the process to make sure everything runs quickly, smoothly and does not interfere with the day to day running of your business. We’ll manage any IRD requests and keep you in the loop to make sure you are clear about what they are after and what is expected, and when.

Worried about your confidential information?

During the investigation the IRD is likely to remove material from your premises to copy; some of it quite sensitive to you or your business. Tax Debt Management will make sure there are strict agreements as to who can access it and how it will be used; for your protection and peace of mind.

A tax investigation can be a simple verification visit by the IRD or something much more serious. Either way we’ll get things cleared up as quickly as possible so you can get on with business.

Contact Tax Debt Management now if you need help with an IRD tax investigation.

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