IRD Tax Dispute didn’t work out? We can help

Your Tax Dispute with Inland Revenue may not have concluded in your favour and IRD may still be demanding that you pay tax that you think is unjust.

Tax Debt Management can assist you to appeal this decision, but legally you MUST challenge it within 2 months, or pay the tax. A tax challenge is heard by the Taxation Review Authority or the High Court, and so is not to be undertaken lightly or without thorough preparation.

Your Tax Challenge requires planning and strategy

Your Tax Challenge will not succeed unless you know what you are doing and have prepared well ahead of time. Many documents have to be given to the TRA or the Court within strict deadlines. There is no tolerance for tardiness.

It’s unlikely that you will have the experience or ability to convince the Tribunal or Court of your case, but Tax Debt Management knows how the system works. We know what is likely to be acceptable and unacceptable to the court.

How we can help you to win your case

Tax Debt Management understands how IRD works and what they are likely to bring to the table. We will make sure that your case is thoroughly convincing by ensuring that:

  • Persuasive evidence is prepared and discussed with you well ahead of time and is consistant with previous disclosures to IRD
  • All witnesses are fully briefed and prepared
  • Any written elements of the case are primed and offered to the court in the most credible form
  • The Tribunal or Court is most likely to look favourably on your situation.

Don’t delay as thorough preparation is critical

If you want to challenge the IRD findings, contact us straight away as generally there are set deadlines for disputing an assessment. In most cases the law doesn’t allow you to proceed with the dispute outside of these time periods.

What if you’ve run out of time?

In some situations all may not be lost if you have left it to the last minute to make an appeal. Legal guidelines stipulate that:

  • “The time bar can be waived for a total agreed period or periods of up to 12 months after the expiry of the relevant four-year period, from the date of assessment.”
  • “The time bar can be waived for a further six months from the end of the period referred to above on written notice being given by the taxpayer.”
  • “During the waiver period Inland Revenue must not investigate issues between the taxpayer and Inland Revenue that weren’t identified and known to both parties before the start of the period.”

Contact Tax Debt Management immediately to discuss your next step.

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