Need Help with Your Tax Debt?

At Tax Debt Management we help businesses and individuals negotiate and manage their tax debt. It doesn’t go away by itself, and the penalties you may incur for late payment of your taxes can often be severe.

How We Can Help

  • We are experts in this area, having helped many individuals and businesses with their tax debt.
  • At Tax Debt Management we understand the ins and outs of tax debt legislation, and the processes and procedure that Inland Revenue follow.
  • We can directly represent you to Inland Revenue on your behalf taking away your pressure and stress.
  • We can prepare the appropriate and necessary documentation to present your situation in the best light to support a more likely favourable outcome.
  • This includes providing a detailed submission based on case law and tax legislation.
  • With our expertise, we can talk to Inland Revenue, giving you the best chance of avoiding penalties and sanctions.
  • We help a range of trading entities to clear their tax debt. This includes individuals, trusts, sole traders, self employed, and tax debt from companies.

Payment of Your Tax Debt – The Options

Once the amount of tax debt has been determined, we will act quickly and effectively progress the process, to lock in and contain your tax debt status.

This includes:

  • Getting you tax debt place under ‘arrangement’.
  • Negotiating and determining an agreed tax debt repayment plan, that is appropriate for your financial circumstances. This is a common option, with regular repayment and instalment plans set up for 3 years, if not a bit longer, depending on the size of your debt and your repayment capabilities.
  • For more extreme cases, discussing with Inland Revenue the option to write off your tax debt, in part or full.
  • Remember, the sooner you start to address your tax debt, the greater the number of options you have.
  • Our approach from the start is to find a suitable path for both parties, yourself (or your business) and Inland Revenue. This includes where possible avoiding the situation of needing to declare bankruptcy or having your business placed in liquidation.

Our Tax Negotiation Services

Our experienced Tax Debt Specialist/Accountant/Lawyer team will represent you in negotiating a settlement with Inland Revenue.

We help clients confront and clear tax debt, even the most challenging, complex and difficult tax problems.

Contact Tax Debt Management now and let’s clear your tax arrears.

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Deals with over 100 tax cases