Struggling to pay your taxes?

If you are struggling to pay your taxes during this challenging period, please don’t ignore them, as penalties and interest can accumulate on a daily basis. Please talk to us, as we can help you in a number of ways:

  • We can advise you on your options for your specific circumstance. We take in consideration several key factors including your level and age of tax debt, and your estimated future earnings.
  • We can do a proposal with Inland Revenue on your behalf, and explain your situation, using professional tax and legal terminology, which will give you the best possible outcome.
  • By engaging us as your independent trusted advisor, it helps keep conversations with Inland Revenue on a professional, even-keel, and factual level. This often results in a better negotiated outcome, with Inland Revenue having a clear understanding of your circumstances.
  • We can work closely with IRD to set up a structured and appropriate payment plan, minimising tax penalties, which often result from non-payment activity.

Don’t Ignore…Take Action Now. We strongly recommend that you don’t ignore your tax requirements. With our professional expertise we can help you manage your tax debt and advise you on the options you have.

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