Our Approach and Objective is to Reduce or Eliminate your Tax Arrears
Ideally this may be achieved through the following options:
At TDM we have assisted a wide range of individuals and businesses with their tax arrears.
We negotiate directly with Inland Revenue and explore a range of options to reduce your total amount
owing, including penalties and fees.
We deal with over 100 cases every year, worth over $20 million…and most importantly we negotiate positive outcomes for many of our clients.
Please note: We are not Inland Revenue, we are an independent business, that will act on your behalf to discuss you tax debt issues and negotiate on your behalf with Inland Revenue.
If you are struggling to pay your taxes during this challenging period, please don’t ignore them, as penalties and interest can accumulate on a daily basis. Please talk to us, as we can help you in a number of ways:
Immediate payment of your tax debt in full may not be your only option. A detailed submission to Inland Revenue based on case law and tax legislation will give you the best chance of success.
If liquidation proceedings or a Court date has been set to pursue your tax debt, it is not too late.
Tax Debt Management is a specialist tax negotiation and settlement service. We’ll take the stress out of your tax debt issues.
If you have a client who needs help to solve a tax debt problem, we will assist them and return them to you in good financial health.
If you have a specific question you would like to ask, please call us on 0800 829 277 or email.
“The New Zealand tax system had confounded me for years and after becoming a sole contractor, my tax responsibilities became more stringent. I made some unwise choices with my tax savings and had ongoing communications issues with my accountant which eventuated in me owing a lot in back taxes. When IRD garnished my wages, I knew I had to address the issue as a priority. Luckily, I stumbled upon Rosie at TDM,[...]
Exceptional service from Tax Debt Management. We were under a tax Arrears arrangement already that we could not see an end to and were, at first, a bit anxious without meeting TDM face to face. After reading other testimonials however, we decided to go ahead. TDM was fantastic to deal with, we never felt judged, or uncomfortable explaining our situation or during the process. TDM went above and beyond, knowing how this was affecting us.[...]
My advice to anyone who has a tax problem is simple. Contact Tax Debt Management now! They are professional, firm and decisive. TDM took over negotiations with the IRD on my behalf – that was a relief in itself. They presented the relevant NZ tax law to the IRD as it applied to my situation. TDM then achieved an amazing result with my Arrears of nearly $40,000 being written off entirely. I can now grow my business again, with my tax affairs[...]
We are still in shock at the result from Tax Debt Management achieved for us! We were in way over our heads with not only overdue tax and GST returns, but also unpaid taxes. We didn’t know where to go or what to do, and the stress was taking over our lives. The team helped us to get our returns up to date, and then negotiated with the IRD on our behalf, which resulted in a full write off of over $50,000 in income tax and GST![...]
I was so unsure that the testimonials were real as it seemed impossible to negotiate with the IRD. I had tried myself for a year and had no success at all. Our lives were falling apart and I had to search for help and I found it with you. From the smiling emojis to your kind nature you never gave me false hope just the facts and obviously you know your stuff because today you sent me a congratulations email, I am still[...]
After many years of trying to work directly with the IRD over what ultimately become a ridiculous amount of escalated and significant Arrears and not being able to see any light at the end of the tunnel, I contacted Tax Debt Management. This had been a particularly stressful time and I lacked confidence that there was ever going to be a successful resolution. TDM were easy to work with, and gave me confidence that they were able to help resolve my issue.[...]
This is from the heart – I highly recommend Tax Debt Management.
During an extremely stressful period of my life, Rosie remained professional, empathetic
and result-focussed and, in doing so, achieved an excellent outcome for me and my
My advice to anyone going through any issue with tax issues[...]
My hubby and I were contract milkers that went through some really tough seasons, first a flood and then a drought which hit us hard, having a major impact on our finances and future. Our ability to pay back some of our taxes and Arrears just got further away on us, compounding and eventually we couldn’t see a clear way ahead of us and the “blackdog” of despair was soon sitting at the door. We are just so thankful and [...]
Thank you so much for your phone call and email regarding this. In our most wildest
dreams we didn’t hope to think this was possible. You are a miracle maker. Your time
effort and professionalism has been exceptional. You always kept us up to date with the
things we needed to do and also the progress being made. We would never have been able
to negotiate this[...]
For over a year my business was in overwhelming tax Arrears with IRD, I struggled to think how I could possibly resolve this by myself and caused so much stress and worry. After calling numerous accountants and tax lawyers my options were not good, made me feel worse, and I was certain my business would close. Just by chance I saw Tax Debt Management on Google and tried one last time to see[...]