If you have tax arrears, we can help.

How We can Help

  • We can directly represent you and talk to Inland Revenue on your behalf.

Our Approach and Objective is to Reduce or Eliminate your Tax Arrears

Ideally this may be achieved through the following options:

  • Negotiating with Inland Revenue on your behalf, for IR to agree to a reduced, lump-sum payment that will be regarded as payment in full.
  • Preparing and presenting a strong case to IR regarding your specific circumstances, to encourage them to write off an agreed amount of debt.
  • To negotiate with IR to accept up a reduced instalment arrangement (periodic payments) to clear your tax arrears, over the period of the agreed payment term.
  • To negotiate with IR a reduced interest rate, penalty and/or fees, that you would otherwise incur.
  • A full write-off of your tax arrears due to serious hardship provisions.
  • A combination of the above, and other feasible options depending on your circumstances.
  • Please Note: Success of our negotiations is dependent upon your situation and Inland Revenue’s discretion.
Learn More About Our Tax Arrears Negotiation Service

At TDM we have assisted a wide range of individuals and businesses with their tax arrears.
We negotiate directly with Inland Revenue and explore a range of options to reduce your total amount owing, including penalties and fees.

We deal with over 100 cases every year, worth over $20 million…and most importantly we negotiate positive outcomes for many of our clients.

We Offer a Range of Tax Related Services

Please note: We are not Inland Revenue, we are an independent business, that will act on your behalf to discuss you tax debt issues and negotiate on your behalf with Inland Revenue.

Here Is How We Solve Issues

What our clients say